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What is this weird floss craze?


You’re standing on the beach, enjoying the school-holiday sunshine. You look over at the kids standing near a fort they have built out of sand. And they are doing The Floss. 

It’s soccer training night. The kids are on the field. When they are standing waiting their turn, they are doing The Floss. 

Video after video after video appears on your social media feed. Of kids, now adults, now a grandpa. Doing The Floss. 

If this is your experience this school holidays – you are not alone.  

No longer are kids “dabbing”. They’re doing The Floss. And they are doing it constantly. 

So what is The Floss? And why are all the kids doing it ?

The Floss is a dance in which the people swing their arms and hips in unison, while alternating swinging the arms behind the back.

It’s probably easier to see it – rather than us telling you in words. 


The viral craze comes was invented by Insta-famous dancer The Backpack Kid, that’s him in the gif above. He is 16-year-old Russell Horning, and he has 1.7 million followers.

The Backpack Kid posted a video of himself doing The Floss on August 18, 2016. It racked up tens of thousands of views.

On May 20, 2017, The Backpack Kid appeared on Saturday Night Live, and performed The Floss at a live performance of Katy Perry’s song Swish Swish.

From there is has just gone nuts. 

A lot of Australian kids have picked the trend up from the game Fortnite. Characters in the game have been doing The Floss in celebration of battlefield success. 

Here’s a character doing The Floss in the game. 

Expect it to last as long as dabbing or the Ice Bucket Challenge. It will be the one thing you really remember this kids doing this school holidays.  And making you do…. 

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